Bjarke lngels Group (BIG), a global architecture and design studio in partnership with Ulf Öhman, a Swedish ornithologist, has designed a unique treetop guest room for the renowned TreeHotel with a facade including 350 bird nests. Known as ‘Biosphere’, this one-of-a-kind guest room is the newest addition to Treehotel in Sweden, which comprises individually designed rooms from some of Scandinavia’s most well-known designers including Snøhetta, Rintala Eggertsson, and Tham & Videgård, among others. In 2020, founders of the Treehotel—Ident and Britta Jonsson-Lindvall —invited BIG to design the eighth room for the hotel.

‘Biosphere’ is a 34m2 hotel room situated in a forest of the charming village of Harads, about 70 minutes from the airport of Luleå, in Swedish Lapland. The aim of this distinctive hotel room that will be opening to the visitors soon, is to provide visitors the opportunity to be one with nature and to support the wildlife of the region.

Treehotel’s ‘Biosphere’ is a great instance of environmentally sustainable architecture and exhibits the boundless possibilities in design. The facade of ‘Biosphere’ will house 350 bird nests of varying sizes. The bird nests will expand outwards based upon the bird type and frequency in the area, enabling light to enter the interior space. Guests will get the unique opportunity to closely observe local wildlife in their natural habitat.

“We are very happy to initiate a project together with yet another group of leading Scandinavian architects, the renowned Danish Bjarke lngels Group. This completes our goal of having architects from all Scandinavian countries. We have always depended heavily upon our leading Scandinavian architects, who have helped us build a holistic view – from the little to large details – in the design process. We have been waiting for the right time and the right architecture company for our next step. The fact that our eighth room will be created in collaboration with Danish BIG, at this very point in time, and with a future-focused concept where the natural environment becomes an interactive part of the experience, feels perfect,” says Kent Lindvall, Founder and co-owner of Treehotel.

Along with helping guests be one with nature, ‘Biosphere’ will also help Treehotel’s goal of being environmentally sustainable, helping ecotourism and supporting the conservation of the local bird population. The area that the Treehotel is located in is known for its beautiful natural landscapes, lush green forests and unique ecosystem. The Treehotel’s diverse cabins each have their own character and interact with the forest in different ways. For instance, the Biosphere’s facade that houses 350 bird nests, will help improve the bird population and in turn the ecosystem. The founders hope to inspire others in the hospitality industry to make similar efforts

“Inventories in Norrbotten County, carried out both by us as ornithologists and by the County Administrative Board, show that a number of different bird populations are decreasing. Forestry has led to a reduced number of natural holes in trees where breeding birds nest. The installation of bird nests is therefore an important measure to take. Furthermore, climate change leads to the insect boom happening earlier in the year, and by the time the birds’ eggs hatch, the boom has already passed. Feeding is an important support mechanism for the birds that stay in Northern Sweden and require food during winter. Demonstrating the use of bird nests and feeding, not just at the Treehotel but for people to install near their own homes, is valuable. An initiative from Treehotel to take such measures may inspire their visitors to do the same,” concludes Ulf Öhman, Chairman of the Norrbotten Ornithological Association.